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Hi, I'm Bettina Moss, and thanks for visiting.  Please take your time to explore my passion projects contained in these pages. 



* The Dream Merchant's Daughter is a historical fantasy (romantacy) novel that unfolds in New York City, time jumping between 1976 and 1916.



* Finding Daylight is a documentary that follows two September 11th families as they move forward from grief, learning how to reclaim the future one day at a time.



Click the 'My Work' and 'Milestones' top menu tabs to learn more. 




About Me


 Columbia-U-logo.pngHBO-logo.png   Fulbright-imgae.png  NU-Logo.pngSUNY-COIL-logo.jpg



As Managing Story Editor for HBO Films, and during time spent as a Fulbright Specialist researching Cross-Cultural Storytelling, I developed a keen understanding of strong narratives, both fictional and real. This led me to how I define myself now – a creative whose goal is to illuminate our deepest human needs.


I live in Los Angeles but was born and raised in New York City and often develop stories that feature the 'city that never sleeps' as a pivotal character.


I'm also a big believer in self-reinvention.  Upon graduating from Columbia University, I pursued a career in journalism and, later, worked in the film and television industry.  Another turn took me into academia where I taught screenwriting. 


Now, my focus is documentary work, television writing and novel writing.